Happy New Year!🎉

The teens of the 21st century is behind us, and a new decade has begun. How are we doing? Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m rolling into my first half century later on this year. It doesn’t quite mean I’m pulling my oars in yet, on the contrary, I’ve got a lot of exiting plans for this year. But before I let you in on everything I’ve got in store, I wanted to tell you about my other store - the webshop. It’s been ten years since I started my own record label, now called Joy Music. We’re going into a new decade, and for January, I’m putting on a 10% off sale on all my albums since 2010.

You’ll find albums like Seeds of Joy, a very few copies of my original Christmas album, Julegaven, and both the CD and the vinyl version of my latest album, The Well. Your option to chose signed copies for some of the items at an additional price.

So, that’s my symbolic 10 years, new decade, 10% new year offer for January. Feel free to visit my webshop here: TRINE REIN STORE

As far as new year resolutions, I have one - actually a copy and paste of last year’s new year resolution: See more of my family and friends in the year to come. Keep the faith, and enjoy the ride!

Happy new year!🥳

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