Early Bird TICKETS FOR X-MAS tour available now!

Yes, thatโ€™s right - my EarlyBird offer is only once a year, but my Christmas concert Julegaven (โ€˜The Christmas Giftโ€™) is every year!๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ“๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŒŸ

So, getting ready to enjoy a long springtime, an awesome concert summer and a busy fall before a new round of my Christmas concerts is so much easier when you know youโ€™ve already ensured your tickets a long time ago - and at a great price, too! If you act before May 1., you get a full 20% discount on every ticket (plus ticket fees).

This year, we are visiting churches around the South- and Eastern parts of Norway, and Iโ€™ve expanded my band to a three piece! Also, I will be working with regional choirs in every county, and this yearโ€™s Julegaven will definitely be one worth catching. Please, follow THIS LINK to see the full Christmas tour, and to order your discounted tickets.


Trine Rein

Norwegian/American singer/songwriter/artist, sales exceed 1 mill. albums, first solo release 1993, major territories: Norway, Japan, Denmark, Europe/Asia