I’m so saddened to announce that as of Wednesday last week, my long anticipated annual Christmas tour, JULEGAVEN, had to be cancelled due to new restrictions and the increase of covid-19 cases in Norway. We managed to perform 24 of the planned 35 concerts, and fortunately, I got to meet all of the 9 different local choirs in at least one concert before we had to shut down.
It’s such a bummer knowing all the work, all the preparations and all the investments gone into this tour - not to mention all the anticipation - all being blown out the window at the snap of two fingers. A pandemic is no joke… Right now, I am grateful to be living in a welfare state where there is financial aid to people in my situation. It’s not ideal, but it helps us to keep our head above water - if only barely. I have received two shots of vaccines, expecting to receive a third booster shot in not too long to protect me from serious illness. We are certainly blessed in this country, and I am also glad to know Norway is one of the foremost countries in the world aiding third world countries in getting access to the vaccines.
Ås church
Julegaven 2021 with Trine Rein, Adrian Jørgensen and Siri’us.
I must admit it is increasingly difficult to find the motivation to build yet another tour, yet another concert, or yet another show in the midst of all the cancellations we’ve seen during the past almost two years of this pandemic. I used to have an inner drive, a dream about standing on a stage, singing for a huge audience with a back up band behind me. That dream, that picture, has faded noticeably lately, and the only thing keeping me going is my amazing audience cheering me on via my SoMe-platforms. Also, my much appreciated colleagues in the music- and entertainment business are “too-good-to-go”, so in one way or another, I am sure I will find a way to hang on for a while longer. Still - making a living from gathering people to concerts has proven to be impossible during the last almost two years, and I am seriously considering other means of making a living these days. Sad, but true.
Julegaven band and crew. From left: Adrian Jørgensen, Olav Torgeir Kopsland, Kenneth Bjørdal, Alexander Pettersen. From right: Bodvar Tornes, Ole-Martin Nestvold (MAF Norway),all Trine Rein, Hanne Hodne (MAF Norway)
Anyway, I don’t mean to get all dark right before Christmas, but these dark times are definitely taking a toll. On the upside, we are only days away from “the sun turning” as we say up here in the northern hemisphere, meaning the days will begin to grow longer and lighter. Coming out of the dark season is always uplifting, and interestingly enough, it happens almost simultaneously with the celebration of the birth of Christ (the Light) - every year. So, as I preach during my Julegaven Christmas concerts, everything will be OK in the end.
Enclosed is my favorite quote from the Bible to remind me of this:
Joshua 1, 9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Wishing you all a healthy, happy and very merry Christmas!🎊💫🎄🌟🎶❤️
With love,