Fall season coming up in new colors!

August - it's still considered a summer month, but as the temperatures have gone down by about 50% since July, it certainly feels like fall is just around the corner. Vacationers are returning, back to school-ads are beginning to dominate the web, and slowly, but surely, I'm reintroducing long sleeve shirts into my wardrobe again. It's ok, summer has been amazing here in Norway, as long as you are not a farmer! This summer, I have been juggling two different concepts of concerts - one with my full band doing larger arenas and festivals, and one with my new guitar- and keyboard player, Aleksander Sjoelie in smaller venues and more intimate clubs. I love to do both, and no, I can't choose which one I prefer. I still have a few upcoming concerts this fall before diving into Christmas concert mode in November. Check out my 'Events' calendar to keep yourself posted. You still have a chance to catch both of my concert concepts this year - the acoustic one, and the full band one.

I have also participated in recording a new TV show called "Whenever we meet" (Hver gang vi møtes) to be broadcast early 2019. I can't reveal much about it at this point other than the fact that we truly went through the motions on that one!

Next week, I'm going into the studio to begin creating new material for next year. It's kinda my "back to school"-move this season. I'm anxious to get started as I already have a few ideas to roll, and I'm looking forward to see where creativity takes me this time. Going in with an open mind - there are only two kinds of music, anyway - the good kind, and the bad kind. I'm shooting to end up with the good kind!

See you soon!



Trine Rein

Norwegian/American singer/songwriter/artist, sales exceed 1 mill. albums, first solo release 1993, major territories: Norway, Japan, Denmark, Europe/Asia